We are pleased to be able to open the Community Studio up again! In order to keep everyone safe we will be operating booked sessions with 2 participants at any one time for 1 and a half hour slots. It is still untested ground for all of us so we will start with one day a week with 2 slots available and build from there. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
In order to have access to the studio you must wear a face covering over your nose and mouth at all times once inside, we recommend several breaks during your slot to step outside for some fresh air. We also ask that you sanitise your hands when you come in and bring your own resources as it will not be safe to share. We will have paper available for you and other materials that you can take without sharing. The toilet in the studio will not be in use but the facilities in the Whitgift centre are available and cleaned very regularly. If you could like any refreshments please feel free to bring them with you. If you or someone you have been in contact with during the last 2 weeks has had symptoms of COVID-19 we ask that you do not come to the studio.
We are happy to answer any queries you may have before booking. Our primary concern is to keep everyone as safe as possible but we hope that we can still have an enjoyable and creative time together!