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  • Writer's pictureFirst Floor Space Team

Reflective Practice at First Floor Space

Updated: May 15, 2020

On Friday we hosted the first reflective practice session by Flourishing Lives and it was absolutely brilliant!

Flourishing Lives is London-wide coalition of organisations taking a creative, relational approach to supporting richer, more independent lives for older people. Building quality relationships is the heart of their work by genuinely engaging with older people as unique individuals and forming close bonds with the dedicated staff and volunteers who work alongside them.

They connect practitioners, day centres, major arts organisations, health & fitness initiatives and community outreach programmes so that knowledge, research and resources can be shared and the very highest level of practice can be established across the sector. We think their work is absolutely invaluable and these sessions have been just one of many ways in which they are making sure best practice can thrive.

The session gave participants a chance to talk with others who can relate to their professional experiences, all with the guidance of a BACP (British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy) registered counsellor. The aim of reflective practice is to provide a safe space for in-depth reflection on working practice: a space in which to step back and reflect on complex professional and supportive relationships and to discuss any aspect of your work and role including individual cases, approaches to engagement, and clinical and organisational dilemmas.

The group provides a forum in which to share ideas and to hear from practitioners from different professional backgrounds as to how they manage similar tensions in their roles and practice. It offers a structure of support where the experience of all members of the group is the conduit and catalyst for learning and exploration.

It’s a brilliant opportunity for freelancers to gain support and talk about things that aren’t always easy to work out on your own; it will give you the chance to express yourself without judgement and help you on your way to resolving complex issues.

These sessions take place across London with a small group of up to 8 participants so there is adequate time for each person to speak and contribute, First Floor Space will be hosting the South West London groups - the next of which is on Friday 13th December from 11.00am to 1.00pm with more dates coming in the new year. Click here to book a spot with Eventbrite.

We are so grateful to Flourishing Lives for all the work they do and for giving us the opportunity to host such a valuable group, we’re looking forward to the next one!


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